Ecomondo 2023: eco-friendly lanyards by Rippotai

Ecomondo 2023: lanyard ecologici by Rippotai

On the occasion of Ecomondo 2023 Rippotai thought of proposing eco-friendly lanyards, possibly made of paper but resistant.

Rippotai, thanks to its Research and Development team, is always looking for new materials and has been using ecological, FSC, wet-resistant paper for various applications for some time.

Our team therefore carried out some tests and obtained a paper lanyard, made of eco-friendly paper, FSC and 100% recyclable, but at the same time resistant.

 lanyard ecologici

Nothing of those lanyards ended up in the unsorted waste, in fact the same carabiner could be combined with a keyring to make it a useful key ring for any occasion.

 lanyard ecologico

And now paper lanyards have also returned to our product ranges, demonstrating that many lines are born from the partnership itself with our customers.

Let's make the change together!