The exhibition dedicated to the environment by Rippotai stops at Ecomondo

La mostra dedicata all'ambiente by Rippotai fa tappa a Ecomondo

After the success of Bologna, our Installation is also proposed again at the Rimini Fair on the occasion of #ECOMONDO 2023 🌎
Rippotai wants to encourage people to take action, trying to block "the domino effect of man on the environment"; creating something that led people to a reasoning, focusing on how close the relationship is between people and the environment that surrounds them.
For a normal person it seems impossible to have a positive impact on the environment: stop animal extinction, stop global warming, defeat pollution. These are challenges that appear titanic, but each of us can be, in our own small way, part of a great change.
This is a "DOMINO EFFECT" that can be blocked, because the change starts from us, from our choices and our habits.

 mostra il cambiamento inizia con te







This is the theme of the work located in the 📍Corridor of the Ravezzi and Neri rooms, while the other part of the installation, together with our #SOUNDPOTAI,, will be in the VIP Lounge.
The latter is set up as a space for reflection where you can sit on the green Rippotai seats (winning product of the "Responsible Innovators" award from Emilia Romagna) and try our Bluetooth musical pouf: it transmits music through vibrations and It does it so well that even people with hearing impairments can hear it. 🎶