Rippotai Creative Lab - The green support for green companies

supporto creativo per Aziende green

Sustainability is the commitment of the present and the future: small steps for a revolution in favor of our planet and people.

Sustainable lifestyles and consumption are no longer a fad, but a new way of living < / b> that starts from people and permeates companies. Ethical and environmental values ​​merge with the economic and productive system and become a circular economy.

Rippotai Creative Lab was born as support for companies who undertake this virtuous path.

The Team becomes the tool at the service of eco-sustainable projects and the promotion of social activities .

Rippotai Creative Lab for social issues with "Ca 'Santino: a place of industrious life"

Rippotai Creative Lab - Ca 'Santino - show

Born in 1997, the Ca 'Santino Social Cooperative in Montefiore Conca is a day and residential Rehabilitation Social Center.

With a new approach to disability the guests of the Center are involved daily in active life activities: the disabled, even those with more complex evidence, thus becomes the protagonist of their own life project.

The Exhibition

 Rippotai Creative Lab - Ca 'Santino - exhibition - details

This virtuous path of social inclusion will be presented in Cattolica on 13-14-15 December 2019 at the Palazzo del Turismo < span style = "font-weight: 400;"> with an exhibition entitled “Ca 'Santino: a place of industrious life”

Rippotai Creative Lab, which has been collaborating with the Cooperative for some time, takes care of the graphics, videos and fittings using design products made of eco-sustainable material.

For the entire duration of the event it will be possible to also purchase food products made by the guests of Ca 'Santino.

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