Smart working 2022: how to create the perfect environment in your home.

Smart working l’ambiente perfetto a casa tua.

The health emergency has erupted into the life of each of us with important repercussions in our daily lives and with the introduction of habits that have now crystallized. We have learned to modify ours housing transforming them from time to time into classrooms for our children or in our desks offices and, why not, also building small corners for practicing sports. Every day we reinvent the management of private spaces as if we had to continually open the doors of our homes to let strangers in.

Our homes thus become the spaces in which many of us find themselves spending most of their time, passing from being mere inhabitants to the role of professional, to that of participant in online meetings or auditor of congresses. 

The creation of flexible and comfortable spaces becomes more and more central, maintaining, moreover, a style and a decorative appeal in line with our taste.

The main theme is not just how much physical space to dedicate to work activities, but being able to create qualitatively suitable spaces to minimize exposure to polluting sources in the rooms where we stay more frequently. 

If we do not have the opportunity to live in buildings designed in ecological terms, we can still contribute to the creation of healthy spaces and think about the protection of our health. 

Where to start?

A starting point can be represented by taking care to frequently ventilate the rooms in which we stay longer, so as to limit the assimilation of indoor chemical pollutants coming from paints And glues present in many pieces of furniture.

An advice?

We set up our spaces with furniture and objects made with environmentally friendly certified materials, such as reclaimed wood and the cartone FSC, that is, coming from forests managed in a correct and responsible way.

The design of solutions according to the principles ofeco design gives these solutions a aesthetic rendering very interesting, able to give any environment an added value with a strong innovative impact.

The techniques of interlocking, which avoid the use of harmful adhesives, allow you to create surprisingly durable and resistant bookcases, chairs, desks and able to withstand even heavy weights.

Prefer furnishing elements with eco-sustainable materials it represents our lifestyle, a choice for our health, for our environment, but with an eye that is always attentive to the design and harmony of the spaces that surround us and that speak about us.